Thursday, March 10, 2005

My God I'm tiered!

You know when you're a bit to tiered when you start getting so irritable that an offer of a lovely cup of tea is annoying, your eye lids start twitching and you can't even keep up with the postman that it's time to have a rest.

I ran the Inter County Cross Country Champs on Saturday and as a team Surrey came 3rd which was great unfortunately I was a non scorer as I finished 153rd(was not gonna mention this result as is not very impressive and quite embarrassing but hey) I felt rubbish but thought it was just the muddy course and a bad day but I did a 19miler with my friend Kev on Sunday and felt really tiered all day, strangely after an easy day on Monday I did an interval session on Tuesday evening and was running much better but was getting slower each interval- bad sign- then on Wed I felt good swimming in the morning but have rarely felt quite so tiered on the bike and so realized it was a necessity that I needed a good rest.
As you can gather I've overdone it a little. I've looked back at the training and it's quite clear that I was tiered last weekend and with no proper rest day I just haven't recovered properly and have accumulated a bit to much fatigue so am taking it easy for a few days. I feel much better today but am gonna still take it easy till the weekend.

Note to self: Take more proper rest days/periods!!!


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